Thursday, May 26, 2011

Liam's post

Hey hey hey everyone back home!!! We're chillin out in the hotel today due to some anticipation of storms.... unfortuantely. The bright side is that we will probably be able to gett more sweimming in now. We've all got some pretty cool pins, and although i was going to keep in a secret dad... this is too awesome to keep from you. OKay dad, brace yourself.. i got two iPhone pins one white, and and one black. you can take the screens out and replace them with other app screens. I also got the iPad pin which is from Texas. Im excited to see all of you again, but im having fun here.... ZOMBIESSSSSSSSS (inside joke)


  1. Liam,
    How goes the trading for Muddi waters pin set?


  2. Cool, Liam!! I am sick with pride and envy! Mostly envy. Actually, no, pride. Slightly more pride than envy, but still quite a bit of envy. --DAD (proudly)
